Matcha Say about St. Patrick's Day!

Are you looking for a fun, healthy, GREEN way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day? We have got the perfect home remedy for you to cook up and care for your skin!

Our skin is the largest organ of our body- it matters what we put on it and how we take care of it! Face masks have been used for centuries and were a method of skincare long before the creation of modern beauty products. As we discover more about the skin microbiome, and the ability of the skin to absorb nutrients, these old time skin remedies are making a powerful comeback. This particular mask is a favorite of ours for that works great for the person whose skin type tends to be naturally slightly oily with very occasional hormonal breakouts.

The key ingredient is Matcha! Matcha is a type of green tea produced by shading the leaves of the green tea plant at the end of the growing process to increase the chlorophyll content and create a very bright, antioxidant rich, green tea product. While many people know about the benefits of ingesting matcha, turns out it is also a great ingredient for your skin! It has been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce acne, and increase skin elasticity.

Try it out and let us know what you think!



  • Mix the honey and Matcha to form a paste. Depending on the consistency of your honey, you may need slightly more or less.

  • Spread the honey over your face and neck using circular movements. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and remove with a warm, wet washcloth.