Finding Order in Chaos: Bullet Journaling

I am very interested in hearing how people are organizing their days — these days—now that many of us in the world are under stay at home orders. I’m fortunate because I’ve always worked from home.

Even so, finding a routine has been challenging during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The undisciplined me wants to run to the television and monitor the rising death toll and wait to hear the latest in this ever changing atmosphere we find ourselves living in.

In the beginning of the pandemic, which was just a short three weeks ago, that’s ALL I did. Realizing that this was not a healthy way to go about the day, I remembered something I learned about and enjoyed doing a few years back…bullet journaling. On a day I knew I needed to get out of my pajamas and “do something”, I decided to take it up again. And what I’ve discovered is that bullet journaling which is defined as a system to “help you track the past, organize the present, and play for the future” is a very mindful practice. It has been helping me turn chaos into order and add meaning and productivity into my day. The nice thing about bullet journaling is that the rules are flexible. It’s a method that can be used as a task manager, journal, sketchbook, inspiration catcher, and/or anything you want it to be. I’m using mine to be held accountable for my day, to doodle (something I admittedly did a lot of when I was in school) and to stay inspired. It’s a way to be reflective and also stay on track so that at the end of the day I can either be satisfied and say this was a good day or be hopeful and say tomorrow is a new day, or accept exactly where I am at this moment.