Gentle Intention Setting for the New Year

Gentle Intention Setting for the New Year

We will inevitably hear a lot about making resolutions this time of year.  The health industry is banking on many of us joining a gym, buying into a detox regime or doing a cleanse protocol.  If you have the time, and motivation please don’t let us stop you.  There are times when we need and want an overhaul. 

This blog though, is all about gentle intention setting.  Winter weather and the ending of the year and the seasonal festivities make it a great time to quiet down and reflect.  Reflection is a a wonderful practice for restoring emotional balance.  Taking time to review where we’ve come from, what we’ve learned and where we are headed can help us to process emotions, events, and listen to our intuition.   Draw upon your personal strengths and preferences to choose your reflection method.  Some examples are meditation, journaling, drawing, contemplative nature walks, and talking with mentors, trusted friends or a therapist. (Here’s a resource if you are considering obtaining a therapist: Screening a Therapist)

Some reflection questions are: What is most important to me moving forward- professionally, personally, and spiritually? Is there any part of my life that feels neglected, out of balance or simply needs attention?  If we stay willing to hear our own message and don’t avoid things we fear, usually the answers to these will emerge.

Here are some examples we have experienced in our own lives and have heard from others, along with some examples of gentle intention setting. 

Maybe the sugar and alcohol of the holidays have us feeling run down or ready to focus on healthier eating. 

A gentle intention would be to make sure I have a few nutritionally dense meals on my grocery list, and to drink water more throughout the day.  (Visit our recipes and our hydration tips here for some supportive ideas.)

Maybe spending at the holidays and high electric bills are making us feel fearful or stressed about money. 

A gentle intention would be to make time to review the numbers in a monthly budget and make a reasonable plan for this month’s spending. Such as making a grocery list with some easy homemade meals, and planning 20 minutes of online research for financial tips and resources. Here’s a few to get you started: Easier Meal PreppingFinancial Health with Laura Adams

Maybe we are feeling a bit overstimulated from all the events, travel or holiday obligations.

A gentle intention might be to plan downtime into your schedule this month such as a home spa day or even just getting back to a regular meditation practice. 

We’d love for you to take advantage of our recipes, guided meditations, and the Health Gig podcast to support you on your journey as we close out the year.  All of us at BB&R are wishing you a balanced, peaceful, and healthy new year.
