The Presence of Gratitude

The wellness industry talks a lot about gratitude practices in the form of reflection, journaling, mindfulness, etc. Coming off of a holiday week and heading into the remainder of the holiday season, our BB&R team has taken a moment together to be present in your gratitude. Because of our strong belief in the power of community, we are sharing our gratitude lists with you and invite you to do the same. Think about 1-3 things you are grateful for at this point in time and remind yourself of those things daily amidst this busy season of life. Our lists are shared below!

From the Bright, Bold, and Real Team:

-I am grateful for my growing family which will be even bigger in 2023.  

-I am grateful for the love my family has for each other.

-I am grateful for my loyal friends who support and sustain me.

-I am grateful for my body and its ability to move each day. 

-I am grateful for quality foods to nourish my body and mind. 

-I am grateful for the opportunity to educate myself on ways to better care for my holistic health.

-I am grateful for my children and the unique gifts they bring into this world. 

-I am grateful for the changing seasons.

-I am grateful for friends and loved ones that care deeply about my wellbeing. 

We are taping our lists to our bathroom mirrors, so we see it every morning to frame our minds for a day starting with a presence of gratitude. Please share yours with us and feel the power of a grateful community!