Journal Prompts to End 2022 and Begin 2023

Another year - come and gone! 2022 flew by and there is so much to learn from it. When you can, take some time to reflect on the past year and the year ahead. Below are guiding questions, but please do not let them restrict you. Put the pen to the paper and see what flows. This is a wonderful way to reconnect with yourself, your values, and your personal goals for the year of 2023.

  1. What is your favorite way to spend a day off?

  2. Describe yourself in a few words. Start with only internal traits, then expand to how you identify in your relationships.

  3. What inspires you?

  4. How can you incorporate self-care? How often and when?

  5. What is one thing you can do today to feel more grounded?

  6. Where and with whom do you feel safe?

  7. What makes you feel loved?

    Cheers to 2023!