Life Mastery: Principles for a Fulfilling and Balanced Life with Sherry Fernandez

In this episode of Health Gig, we are joined by Best Selling Author and Personal Development Coach, Sherry Fernandez, who wrote the acclaimed book "Life Mastery." Sherry's book is heavily discussed throughout the episode as she shares her insights on various aspects of life, focusing on principles for a fulfilling and balanced life. She emphasizes the importance of having a mission statement and governing values that guide decision-making and align with personal goals. Sherry and her husband, Ken, offer mentorship and support to individuals in different areas. They believe in giving back and helping others achieve their goals.

Sherry also discusses the significance of taking care of one's physical health through proper nutrition and regular exercise, as well as the role of mindfulness and experiencing moments of awe in spiritual well-being. The conversation delves into the importance of maintaining healthy relationships, managing time effectively, and prioritizing personal growth through continuous education. The discussion touches on designing a fulfilling lifestyle, the significance of character development, and the ongoing process of finding balance in various aspects of life. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for leading a purposeful and balanced life, with Sherry's book, "Life Mastery," serving as a key resource for the audience.

More on sherry fernandez





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“A big dreams list helps you see all the possibilities of life.” - Sherry Fernandez

“Eat, move, eat, move… move all day long and make sure the food you eat is real food… when we eat real food and lots of it, we're healthier.” - Sherry Fernandez

“We're always thinking of what we're going to do next, or what we just did, or what we're going to do, or what somebody said to us. We have to be in the moment to experience it, which requires a little bit of mindfulness.” - Sherry Fernandez

Show Notes:

Sherry Fernandez: We all know that when we're stuck, we think we're stuck. We're actually backsliding. You can't just be stuck. You're either going forward or backwards.

Sherry Fernandez: You know that you're unhappy and the opposite is true when you're moving forward. We all have this divine, infinite potential. And when we're moving towards it, we're happy, even little tiny steps towards it, which is all there are. And when we're not, we're not. And it's really that simple.

Sherry Fernandez: I wanted to be able to create something that people could actually just take and I hope is applicable. They could actually be motivated and have some tools to apply it.

Sherry Fernandez: I did have a health business for a long time. I opened that so that I could do personal whole life personal development. I don't want to just work with people in one area. We're whole people. Everything affects everything. And so I work in all eight areas of life. And if you're not signing up for that, you're not signing up with me because that's how I do it.

Sherry Fernandez: You've got to have a strong enough why? Or you're not going to do the things you want to do.

Sherry Fernandez: I teach a couple of skills to expand your way, like having a big dreams list and having a mission statement. So you know what you're here on this earth to do and you can help motivate you to do the right things. And having a personal constitution or governing values, those are three things that you can develop that help strengthen your why.

Sherry Fernandez: The mission statement is we all are here with a purpose. We have certain talents and things we want to do to make a difference, even though the verbiage could change a little bit.

Sherry Fernandez: I'll have a man who may be struggling a little bit and the marriage thing, and I think Ken might be a better fit for them for just a session. And he doesn't ever charge to do this. And I do. But he meets with young entrepreneurs all the time.

Sherry Fernandez: If they don't pay, they don't work as hard. They don't take it as serious. I could do it for free. I don't need their money. But they don't pay. They don't do as well. And that's just a fact.

Sherry Fernandez: You should never be hungry. We weren't intended to be hungry. You shouldn't have to go hungry to lose weight. You just don't put the junk in your mouth.

Sherry Fernandez: If you're grateful for something, tell somebody. Silent gratitude isn't much use to anybody.

Sherry Fernandez: If you want to develop a relationship with anybody, child, spouse, god, friend, they require time. Time is the food of relationships.

Sherry Fernandez: I will tell you that marriage has been the richest fulfillment of peace, happiness, love. It has been awesome. I've just loved being married, but I applied principles early on just so I could survive. It turned out that they were the keys to a great relationship.

Sherry Fernandez: Old people were dying in nursing homes from loneliness. It just it makes me emotional just to think about it. We did more emotional damage, by the way Covid was handled than any amount of lives we saved by doing that. And I really feel strongly about that. We've done more mental health damage. It will never turn around. It will hurt us for decades.

Sherry Fernandez: All of us every single day need to take care of our body, take care of our mind and take care of our spirit. That's one of the top three things right there is in daily habits is education.

Sherry Fernandez: I always say the one thing you can do if you read 30 minutes in your field every day, you will be a leader in your field before you know it.

Sherry Fernandez: We've been married for almost 46 years, you know what keeps it interesting? Well, Ken's learning things and I'm learning things. And then when we're together, we're sharing the things that we learn. We have things to talk about. We can go to dinner and not have to sit on our phones because we've said everything. We have something new to share all the time.

Sherry Fernandez: I learned pretty quick if I took care of me first. I felt pretty good at the end of the day, even if I didn't get some of the stuff done I needed to do. But if I didn't do me first, I did not feel happy at the end of the day because the laundry can be done tomorrow. The phone call can be made tomorrow. Most things can be done tomorrow on your to do list. But if you miss today's meditation, you've missed it. If you miss today's workout, you've missed it.

Sherry Fernandez: Taking care of your body is no more important than your spirituality. It's no less so either necessarily you provide for yourself, then you provide for a family.

Sherry Fernandez: I see all these people my age working and older, working at cashiers and working at Home Depot and everywhere. It's unfortunate that our working force has people have to go to work in places like that at that time of life. Money is important for your comfort and for other people.

Sherry Fernandez: We act like people are born with character. They're not. It's something that we work on. If we don't keep track of it when we're working on our money, maybe we'll cut a corner. But when you're working on your character, you're trying to be honest, a person of integrity, a person who shows up on time, a person who uses clean language, a person who is kind of stand up guy we admire in the movies, you know, working on that.

Sherry Fernandez: I've got assessments on the website. It's free where you can say, okay, these are the places I'm weak. I'm going to work a little harder on those.


TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, HealthGig, Longevity, Wellness, PhysicalHealth, MentalHealth, Health, HealthWellBeing, PersonalDevelopment, BestSellingAuthor, Relationships, Success


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