Gayle Colman on Transforming Your Relationship with Money

In this episode of Health Gig, discover the transformative power of somatic finance with author Gayle Colman. In her new book, "The Body of Money: Discovering the Bridge Between Money + Body," Gayle explores the deep connection between emotions, beliefs, and financial well-being. Learn how somatic practices can reshape your money mindset, alleviate stress, and align your financial decisions with your values. Join us to unlock a harmonious relationship with money and enhance overall well-being.

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“We as humans are here not only just for ourselves, but we grow, we love more, and we experience more joy in our life whenever we are able to share whatever it is we uniquely can give.” - Gayle Colman

“Every experience we have with fear is a moment of integration where we become more whole.” - Gayle Colman

“Greed is a reified fear. It's crystallized, carbonated fear. We all have scarcity. That's really what we're talking about when we don't think we have enough, a scarcity mentality.” - Gayle Colman

Show Notes:

Gayle Colman: I've built a life and family and business centered around helping people make wise financial decisions. It's taken a beautiful journey, learning a lot and growing and understanding how money affects us and our lives in so many ways.

Gayle Colman: Somatic, its origin is from the Greek word Soma, which means body. So it's a line of our human development is the somatic line of development. So being aware of our body sensations, our movement pressure, temperature, being aware of what's going on, say below our neck, finance and money, believe it or not, have everything to do with our body in the sense that our body has innate intelligence to communicate to us. When it comes to the subject of money, we typically ignore our wisdom that our body offers us. We stick to our rational strategic mind

Gayle Colman: Everyone has some kind of money challenge because even those with would say too much might struggle with how do I steward this? How do I make decisions that are going to not be a burden? And those who say have what they would determine is not enough? How do they make choices that are going to be really aligned with their values and choices that are not based upon what they're hearing they need to do externally, but really come from inside. And actually, that's for everyone.

Gayle Colman: when we're living our life full of creativity, full of meaningful relationships. Full of work or whatever it is that we're engaging in is something that we're making a contribution to the world. And I say that because I believe that we as humans are here not only just for ourselves, but we grow and we love more and we experience more joy in our life whenever we are able to share whatever it is we uniquely can give

Gayle Colman: There are four fear responses. There's fight, flee, freeze and faint. Two of those responses are mobilized responses, so fight and flee. And then, faint and freeze are immobilized responses and they and they happen in our body. And we all have our own, I'll say, signature response.

Gayle Colman: We are built for fear. What's important is to harness and understanding and an appreciation of how fear supports us and then be able to move through it skillfully so that it actually does move through us. And I would say every experience we have with fear is a moment of integration.

Gayle Colman: There's wonderful brain science that has been more popular in the past ten years that's telling us how important our nervous system is for our health and well-being and for getting closer to and identifying our fear. The importance of it and moving it through and healing fear based experiences.

Gayle Colman: many of us have limiting beliefs and behavior that relate to am I good enough? Am I doing enough? Am I producing enough? You know, all of these relate to am I lovable? And so typically these feelings form in childhood, not from, you know, bad parents, but just from the way we are and having a need that may or may not have been fully met.

Gayle Colman: I do believe that we can be free of money struggles, and the process is what I would say is integration, exterior practical financial processes that we all engage in, and interior exploration, discovery and merging the two, making sure that our financial actions come from who we really are, what we really value, and that comes from feeling and experiencing what is happening inside our body.

Gayle Colman: I think there are many reasons why we don't feel like we have enough what the external messages and the conditioning in our family of origin and society tells us that if we want to be happy, successful, you need this. And we see it in advertisements and just basically everything that's external. And so that's really why coming inside ourselves, quieting ourselves and really accessing our truth is what allows us to release that grip, that message that I need this in order to that.

Gayle Colman: Greed, I believe, is a person who has not really explored their scarcity, doesn't have an awareness of life, people outside of themselves, and they are simply scared.

Gayle Colman: Fear is typically felt in our belly, maybe our hands, a little bit of jitters in other places in our body. Sadness is typically in our chest and behind our eyes, our throat. Anger is typically in our back and our jaw. The general areas are just kind of a pointer because it's really very important for everyone to do their own exploration to find those places for themselves.

Gayle Colman: There's a commitment and a choice to own your life. You are responsible. You are the one. You're the only one who can make this journey and you can do it. That's also the important point is that this does not require anyone else. No one outside of you. Can do this for you, but also how liberating that you have the capacity within you to discover and choose and change and to heal yourself or to feel what you need to feel.

Gayle Colman: Money is really no different than any other issue that we might be struggling with. And for your listeners, and what I like to do in longer practices is bring our issue, give a symbol, visualize some kind of symbol, or let our subconscious give us a symbol for our issue which money or our relationship or a job or anything, and then float that symbol into our belly or our heart, and then allow that somatic practice to be able to inform us about that particular situation or issue.

Gayle Colman: I hope to, in the broadest sense, alleviate the suffering and struggle around money. And I hope that we're able to integrate how money flows in a world that works for all people so that money is friendly, that we play more, we create more, we feel the beauty of joy and its gratitude and even grief.


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